I am a cartoon robot thing

Nicholas Deary @M4KBOT

Age 33, Male

Newcastle, England

Joined on 5/12/06

Exp Points:
16,354 / 16,890
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8.01 votes
Pvt. First Class
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M4KBOT's News

Posted by M4KBOT - September 15th, 2007

22/09/07 - The Flash is out!!
21/09/07 - The flash is completely finished and I can assure you, Morrow's part is fantastic. I did some editing and changed the song, that was the best move I've made all week. I downloaded a lovely track by SineRider and it gives the whole movie a different, better atmosphere! As for the game, it will be a struggle to finish on time but I'm sure you'll see it in the portal tomorrow!
20/09/07 - I have decided to also make a Madness game based on the movie, at the moment the game is a solo effort.
19/09/07 - We're almost done with the toon, Morrow's finishing off his part, then theres just a case of editing. P.S. see if you can find the secret on the menu when it comes out!

Thats, right, me and Morrowdays are teaming up again to bring you another collaborative toon. As usual, this flash won't be you average animation, it will be strange and insightful. We've done about half so far and it will we obviously be submitted on Madness Day.

Stay tuned, I'll keep you posted...

(Picture below: A still from one of my parts)

Me and Morrow's Madness toon

Posted by M4KBOT - September 7th, 2007

I thought that the swf. needed a little update, so I created a menu and made some other minor alterations. I spent a little time making the snazzy menu and used some awesome ambiance from David Firth to play in the background. You can see the updated version here.

In other, similar news, 'After Judgement' a.k.a 'Under Judgment 2' should be submitted sometime in December, hopefully on the same date as the first. If you're interested in this, you can see the teaser trailer here.

Under Judgement Update

Posted by M4KBOT - September 4th, 2007

Thats right! Me and Morrowdays have been working on a little project over the summer. It's a very unique animation to say the least and a lot of effort has been put into it, we hope you enjoy it: HERE IT IS!

New Collaborative Animation out!

Posted by M4KBOT - August 29th, 2007

Thats right, I'm selling unique 'Under Judgement' T-shirts. If you wish to purchase one, then you can buy one from my CafePress shop.Thanks.

Under Judgement T-Shirts

Posted by M4KBOT - August 21st, 2007

You may have noticed that I have been making a few Halo spoofs over the summer. Being a Halo Online player myself, I have a few stories to tell. So far I have been focusing on Halo Muliplayer, but I will also focus on the campaign mode by doing a short spoof of each level!

Episodes already out:
Halo: Team Killing
Halo: Active Camourflage
Halo: Chief's Girlfriend

Halo: Assault Rifles NEW!

Enjoy, I will make more soon!

My new Halo series!

Posted by M4KBOT - July 25th, 2007

The movie is out now for your viewing enjoyment!

So yeah, i'm making a new zombie flash, it should be released in a couple of weeks.

Posted by M4KBOT - July 19th, 2007

you having a fun time?

Posted by M4KBOT - July 19th, 2007


Posted by M4KBOT - July 18th, 2007

Leave a comment, I dare ya :P

P.s. My user page is falling apart already, have seen all of the holes?

Hey Guys