Good, but inconsistent...
I did think that some of the animation was good but I can't really say that I enjoyed watching it that much. The main reason was that I though that the whole layout was quite messy. I'm talking of both the actual scenes and also literally. What I mean about the scenes is that they often cut off too suddenly without providing closure or indeed an explanation, also I think some parts should be put in a different order to make the whole thing feel like it's running smoother. By literally messy I mean that the HUD used in the collab keeps changing in each of the parts. You should have created one V-Cam with a HUD on it at the start of the collab and got everyone to download that one so everyone has the same V-Cam and it looks consistent.
Other than that I thought it was pretty good. Although I am puzzled why did not just wait till Madness Day itself to submit this as it is only a week and a but away.