Total Progress: Updated Every Saturday
23/2/08 - 26/30 levels complete. I got a new computer so I am finally able to complete the last levels of the game. I'M ALMOST DONE!
Progress: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++====] (86.6%)
16/2/08 - 16/30 levels complete (actionscript needs maintenance on 2 levels). My main computer still isn't fixed. Sorry again.
Progress: [++++++++++++++++==============] (53.3%)
9/2/08 - 16/30 levels complete (actionscript needs maintenance on 2 levels). My computer still isn't fixed, however it should be working by the end of tomorrow. Sorry for this second delay.
Progress: [++++++++++++++++==============] (53.3%)
2/2/08 - 16/30 levels complete (actionscript needs maintenance on 2 levels). I had some important school work to do this week, but the main problem was that my PC broke on Wednesday (I'm on a laptop at the moment). My PC will probably be fixed tomorrow and I've thought of a few more ideas to do on NGP 2. Sorry for the complete lack of progress this week, guys :(
Progress: [++++++++++++++++==============] (53.3%)
26/1/08 - 16/30 levels complete (actionscript needs maintenance on 2 levels). Morrowdays has been helping me and has thought up some cracking levels ideas.
Progress: [++++++++++++++++==============] (53.3%)
19/1/08 - 10/30 levels complete.
Progress: [++++++++++====================] (33.3%)
26/1/08 - Beta testing of the game my be available to users a little later on.
30/12/07 - I started the production of Newgrounds Pass 2 yesterday and continued working on it today. I've got some of the main questions out of the way and I have thought up some devilish ones for the later levels >:). Despite some people's pleas to make it easier, I will probably end up making the questions harder in this one. So I hope you guys look forward to playing it, the game will probably be done in about 2 months approx. Be sure to check back here as I will be posting updates!
I look forward to it!
But 2 months? Did you first one take that long?
M4KBOT (Updated )
The first game took about 4 months to make. It took a lot of time creating and collecting the various riddles and puzzles used. Also there was the matter of designing each of the 30 level layouts, the jukebox, coding and the hours of glitch testing I had to endure.