Ever since the official Newgrounds channel on Youtube was claimed and started running, I've been trying to add NG users I know on here as a friend (and/or subscribe to them) on Youtube to try and get some sort of network going. So if you're a flash artist on here and have a Youtube account post the channel address on here so me and other Flash authors viewing this news post can add you, my channel can be found here: www.youtube.com/user/NicholasDeary.
Update - Youtube channels posted so far
Nicholas-Deary - www.youtube.com/user/nicholasdeary
RadWalrus - www.youtube.com/radwalrus
Starogre - www.youtube.com/starogre
SamGreen - www.youtube.com/samgreenmedia
zombiefortress0 - www.youtube.com/zombiefortress0
SineRider - www.youtube.com/h0peis
FrozenFire - www.youtube.com/user/newgroundsbuddy
Clatform - www.youtube.com/formclat
MentalMyles - www.youtube.com/user/mentalmyles
Chimbley - http://www.youtube.com/user/chimbleyng
Keep the channel links coming!
Cool concept, I suppose you will have a crusade against people taking credit for newgrounds movies?
Yeah, there should be more regulations against stealing flash content on Youtube.