If you've played Newgrounds Pass you'll know that it's pretty difficult, but people have completed it never-the-less.
Winner's List
Top 10 Puzzlers
1) demolisier
2) Morrowdays
3) Bob1234567890X
4) ToasterDemon
5) Cyberdevil
6) bennadrom
7) Mind-Edge
8) KarpaL-TunnaL
9) JonBro
10) Moggle0
11) lavalampa
12) AtheisticNihilist
13) KiefeKain
14) Errormatix
15) Riding The Success Train
16) KingDavid
17) randomositytherogue
18) MetalDart (I think he had problems with level 24 xD)
19) ninjalias
20) blog-man
21) adfundum
22) Youngsy
23) WhoknowsmeaUdiO
24) trainerX
25) Tokarev
26) Mechabloby (he was so excited xD)
27) Mecha166
28) pitsniffer
29) XxAnubisxX
30) stigla
31) Tirin1
32) n0obish
33) pico371
34) apothecary0
34) Zackthered1
35) A-Friend-With-Wheat
36) Vycka
37) iunno2
38) Maltaethiron
39) KillerCRS
40) ZagmenO
41) Atomzdan
42) hracjk
43) masterguy-1243
44) lilhunter03
45) slipknot666rock
46) Ash4792
47) steph2568
48) stompybot
49) Mike-Apples
50) JackTheFlipper
Above are the top 50 puzzlers, well done chaps! The rankings are based on time taken to complete the game, most of the top 10 completed it within the day it was submitted. All thats left to say is a big hurray to demolisier for being the top puzzler!
what re you supposed to do? I got to the part after the password. that's all.